مواجهة الصعوبات
Book-Related Family Activities
Let's Talk
- About Characters in the story: We can compare the traits of the merchant, the tiger, the bull, and the rabbit. We can deduce what distinguishes them through their behaviour.
- About the Concept of justice and fairness: Does doing good always bring good in return? We might initially think that the good deed the merchant did for the tiger would lead to a disaster, but the cleverness of the rabbit shows us a different outcome. What can we conclude?
- About the Trust: A simple word that can be expressed through feelings, thoughts, and actions. We can recall people we trust deeply. How did that trust develop?
- About experiences from our lives: Have we done a good deed and offered help to someone? We can recall experiences from our lives where we received help or provided it.
Let’s Enrich our Language
- New words and vocabulary: We can familiarize ourselves with unfamiliar words and understand their meanings.
- Punctuation marks: We can observe question/exclamation/quotation marks. What do they mean?
- Proverbs and sayings: We can search for proverbs, sayings, and admonitions that talk about doing good, justice, caution, and other meanings that captivate us.
Let's Create
- Role-playing: Each of us plays the role of one of the story’s characters. We can think about their situation, feelings, and expressions.
- Courtroom game: We can choose situations from our daily lives, and each of us can play a role in defending a different position. Who among us is the judge/accused/lawyer? Who supports another character?
Let's Explore
- Nature: We can go on a hike to the nearby nature. Which trees do we notice? What animals might we encounter? We capture natural scenes and compile them as a memory of our enjoyable outing together.
- Animals around us: Are there any pets in our neighborhood looking for shelter or food? How can we help them safely? (We might prepare a box for cat food or a bird feeder).
Dear Parents
,Dear Parents
Mamba cannot howl like the rest of the wolves in the herd, so she decides to travel by train to her expert grandmother to learn how to howl. On the way, Mamba observes the behaviors of different animals, using their voices to alert the driver. When preparing to get off the train, she decides to imitate them and discovers that she can howl.
…Some suggestions for family activities on the book
learning a new skill
We can recall the experience of learning a new skill with our child, such as riding a bike, or crossing the street. What prompted him to learn this skill? Who helped him? How did he learn it? It is also nice to share with our child our experiences in learning skills such as using a computer or a mobile phone, etc.
We can talk with our child about the things that he can do (such as assembling a certain number of puzzle pieces, preparing simple food, etc.), and about the things that he wants to do and is not yet able to. We point out that many skills develop during the course of our growth, as well as with practice.
Mamba passes through countries of different colors, and we get to see the changing seasons of the year. What would an orange or lilac country look like? Our child may want to draw it.
The wolf howls, what do the cat, bird, dog, and other animals do? This is an occasion for our child to learn the sounds of familiar animals by playing a picture card game for example, or using animal dolls available at home.
Mamba goes to her grandmother, who will teach her to howl. What did our child learn from his grandmother or grandfather? What does he like to learn?
Do wolves really howl only when the moon is a full moon, as we see in the last illustration? Let’s search with our child for more facts about these exciting animals.
!Enjoy your reading