التعاون والمساندة
Book-Related Family Activities
Dear Parents
,Dear Parents
Did it happen to you that you really wanted something? what did you do? How did you deal with that desire? Who supported you?
Our rich book presents several topics and deals with them in a clever way through the plot. It first raises the issue of dealing with not getting our desires and wishes and how to cope with it, and how to deal with the frustration of our children.
It is important to give legitimacy to this feeling and to offer them the space to express it and not disregard it; Through this, the child will be able to deal with this feeling more effectively by looking for ways to overcome it. It is also important to support our children in developing the skill of patience and how to contain feelings of frustration, and to talk to them about our inability to get everything we want immediately. One of the ways that they can deal with and tolerate frustration is to use imagination, which is a partial fulfillment of our needs through envisioning, so that when the child’s desires are not fulfilled in life and in reality, they can simply imagine.
The book also presents a method for dealing with our desires and achieving them. Flexibility of thinking and developing the ability to search for other additional solutions, even if they seem difficult or almost impossible, is a great way to deal with these topics. It is important to also train our children to be flexible thinkers and to suggest alternatives, especially in real life situations.
:Let’s talk
About desires and wishes: Mountain wanted to see the sun, but he couldn’t. We can talk to our child about the things they want and desire: which things can they have, and which are hard for them to get? How do they feel? We can think together and suggest different ways to fulfill our desires.
Feelings: We can follow the drawings with our children and talk about the various feelings of Mountain and his friends. We can name them and ask the children about their causes, such as: feelings of frustration when he could not see the sun; feeling excited; Sympathy from friends. We can connect feelings to their effect on our behavior.
Solving problems: Mountain’s friends tried to deal with his problem by suggesting several solutions. We can talk with our children about the solutions that his friends have suggested and offer others that they have not. We can train our children to be flexible, creative outside-the-box thinkers.
Helping and Cooperating: Mountain’s friends sympathized with him and tried to fulfill his desire to see the sun. We can ask our children: Did anyone help them get something they wanted? Then we can also ask: Who supported them? How did they feel?
Let’s play and imagine:
We can choose an object, think outside the box, and suggest many uses for it beyond the well-known traditional use.
Let’s act and innovate
We can train our children to think flexibly by suggesting issues and problems that our child faces in daily life and searching for and acting out many solutions.
Let’s explore
We can go out to nature with the family to observe the mountains and witness their beauty and the life of the creatures living there.
!Enjoy your reading