Book-Related Family Activities
Let's Talk
- About Pet care at home: Why is it important for the child? Who takes care of it, and how?
- About The feelings of the child in different situations before and after Zaatar’s disappearance. What do her drawings tell us about her feelings?
- About Asking for help: When and whom do we turn to for help? Let’s remember situations where we supported our child.
- About Friendship: Zaatar is Dan’s friend. Who are our friends and what do we like to do with them?
Let’s Enrich our language
- We can suggest suitable names for a pet we want to raise. Why did we choose these names?
- We can imitate the sounds of animals we know and learn their names like the meow of the cat and the bark of the dog, among others.
Let's play and have fun
- We can enjoy playing group games with our child, such as Blind Man’s Bluff, and the “Hot and Cold” game.
- Treasure hunt: We can hide an object in one of the places in the house and give our child clues about the location, for example: there are plates and spoons there. We develop the child’s ability to describe by suggesting the use of different words, such as: above, inside, and describing objects and places. We then switch roles.
- Let’s have fun together with role-playing games, such as: I’m the customer and you’re the seller, or the father and the child, and others.
Let's Create
- We can prepare a comfortable and warm place for the household pet or neighborhood cats with our child.
- We can allocate a place with our child to feed the neighbourhood cats. What food do we provide? Who do we share with from the neighbourhood?
Let's explore
We can search for information about animals we want to learn about, and we can also spend an enjoyable day visiting the zoo.
Let’s Talk
- About the Title: What distinguishes a hotel from a house? Are there other words with the same meaning? How should we behave in a hotel?
- About Differences: People and animals have different needs, and the girl and her mother tried to accommodate the rooms accordingly. Let’s follow the drawings, discuss the needs of each visitor, and explore how the girl responded to them.
- About Personal Traits: we can ask our child about the girl’s qualities and how they manifested in her actions. We can also discuss our child’s unique qualities compared to siblings or peers and how they are presented in their behavior.
- About fostering responsibility and a sense of belonging: we can talk to our child about the roles they enjoy taking on at home and the roles each family member plays. We can emphasize how these roles express real responsibility and a sense of belonging.
- About Solving Problems Creatively: we can recall situations at home that required unconventional solutions, and how we successfully overcame them together. We can explore further by researching information about the animals mentioned in the story and their characteristics and habitats.
Let’s Explore
We can search the encyclopedia or the internet for information about the animals mentioned in the story, about their characteristics and how they live.
Let’s Create
The book’s illustrations beautifully capture the harmony between the setting and the different character traits. We can delve into the charming details of the drawings, create or design rooms for other animals based on their features.
Let’s Communicate
We can take a stroll around town and look for signs indicating accessibility for people with special challenges. We can take their picture with our phones and discuss their importance for inclusivity in general.