Harold Grinspoon Fund - HGF
The Fund began its activities in Israel in 2002. through programs to encourage economic independence in vulnerable social sectors. In addition to enrichment programs for children and youth. The Fund initially focused its activity on the Afula region and the Gilboa Regional Council. He also supported the Ha’emek Hospital and the Ha’emek Yisra’el College.
The Harold Grinspoon Fund is committed to enriching the entire community of Israel. It empowers him by nurturing the growth of the younger generation by encouraging a love of reading. Granting books through the Grinspoon Israel Fund’s Pajama Library and Lantern Library programs provides equal opportunities for Arab and Jewish children in Israel to develop for their future success. The primary goal of the Harold Grinspoon Fund is to work for the prosperity of the State of Israel.
Harold Grinspoon was born in Massachusetts, USA, in 1929 to a Jewish colonial family. An entrepreneur and entrepreneur by nature. He founded and built a successful real estate company (ASFAN) that currently manages more than 100 apartment complexes in 16 states. Greenspun has never forgotten the anti-Semitism he faced as a child. As a result, he grew up with a sense of obligation to the continuity of the Jewish people.
In 1993. He founded the Harold Grinspoon Fund. with the aim of deepening Jewish education and identity among Jewish communities. Since its inception. The fund has supported dozens of educational and cultural programs in North America and Israel.
In 2005. The Harold Grinspoon Fund launched the PJ Library® program, which provides children’s books that encourage conversations about Jewish heritage and identity values. It is distributed to hundreds of thousands of Jewish families in 36 countries around the world in different languages: English, Spanish, Russian, German, Spanish and Portuguese. The program continues to expand to other Jewish communities around the world.
Other programs launched by the Grinspoon Fund include: Voices & Visions. It is a poster program that combines quotations and key concepts in Judaism with art. and the JCAMP 180 program. which provides training and counseling to more than 75 Jewish summer camps in North America. In addition. The Fund created the Life and Heritage Program, which encourages the creation of endowments that will provide financial stability for Jewish schools, synagogues, social service organizations, and other Jewish entities. In addition. In the United States, the Fund supports several national projects. Important projects in the field of education, Jewish identity, leadership and excellence.
To learn more about the Harold Grinspoon Fund and its activities, click here PJ Library.